Energy management series: Who will be my buddy?

Adopting good energy management practices can present significant challenges to an organisation.

To successfully introduce an energy management strategy that will potentially disrupt and seek to influence a wide audience will need good support throughout the business. One person will never be enough, not only to launch such a strategy, but also to sustain it.

This leads us back to the first blog of our Energy Management series, which highlighted the key to success in energy management strategy lie with power and resilience.

Creating a network of key contacts will help you progress energy management actions that fuel a successful energy strategy. Supporting good energy practices through culture and behaviour will have a bigger impact and outlast any future organisational and personnel changes.

While every organisation is different there are some elements that are common to all businesses and are key to energy management success. Focusing on these areas first will establish the primary group who will lead and champion the change required.

1. Top level support

You need at least one senior lead for any project such as this, to support your cause in the most fundamental elements – strategic overview and funding. Whatever the hook required, use it – financial savings, green reputational impact, efficiency drivers – recognise what matters to this individual or group and understand how energy management can contribute to this.

2. Estates or facilities

Energy is often primarily consumed in the buildings operated and occupied by a business. Therefore, those who manage and maintain these facilities are a key group of people to engage with every step of the way. This group of stakeholders is the powerhouse and will help to sustain the strategy.

3. Procurement

The decisions made at times of purchase can have a substantial impact in terms of energy use for many years – possibly decades. The need to endorse a ‘whole life’ approach to costing when considering new infrastructure and capital investments will significantly improve energy management outcomes. Working with the team responsible for your organisation’s procurement policy and setting out the energy priorities will go a long way to achieve this alignment.

The team you rely on and work with to achieve a fully operating energy management strategy will inevitably broaden as it develops. However, making these key connections as early as possible will set an excellent basis for a supported, funded and long-lasting policy and culture change.

If you would like to talk to us about embedding a comprehensive energy management strategy within your organisation, contact us today or call us on 01908 690018.

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