New Year Energy Diet in Five Steps

So, it’s no secret, a bit of excess at Christmas might well leave many needing to shed a few pounds in the weeks afterwards – it almost seems inevitable!

A similarly inescapable truth seems to be that pounds are only ever added to energy bills; long term trends see prices go up, but not down. Careful management of bills can ensure that the impact of increases is minimised, but the only real way to combat the rise is to reduce energy demand.

Like any new year diet however, an energy reduction strategy needs to work for the long term and not just offer a fast, but short-lived drop.

To achieve this, consider our five key steps:

Careful planning

Putting together a series of suggested actions and projects that work over an extended period. Ensure that there is a structured process to record consumption and validate utility data for an accurate picture of energy use. Make an honest assessment of energy-saving measures and set reasonable goals.

Secure senior leadership commitment and investment

Reiterate the benefits of a good energy saving strategy with recommendations on how it could be delivered. Place emphasis on financial savings, potential tax reductions, a ‘green’ company reputation and a more comfortable environment for staff.

Engage with the wider organisation

What better time of year to reach out to everyone in the organisation. Communicate with representatives or staff from all areas of your business, allocate and share energy management and monitoring responsibilities, highlight the benefits of your strategy through training sessions and create an energy awareness information pack to help with motivation.

Integrate energy with high-level business plans

Linking energy reduction targets to other key aims and strategies such as business efficiency plans and climate change policies and ensure they feature prominently in long-term corporate plans. This is particularly important if you need to comply with Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) as it can elevate your business’s sustainability strategy and strengthen reputation.

Celebrate successes

Monitor how your energy-saving goals are delivering. Embrace some great reporting tools and roll out energy dashboards to communicate your achieved targets to your stakeholders and staff; this will boost motivation.

Embedding dynamic energy management procedures into your business doesn’t have to be complex. If you would like further guidance about becoming energy efficient, adhering to legislation or environmental reporting or to find out how we can help you deliver a comprehensive end-to-end energy management strategy, call us on 01908 690018 or contact us here.

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Staying at the forefront of industry, we embrace and drive change, delivering solutions at pace and scale to meet the modern challenges of energy and sustainability.

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