Tag: Greg Armstrong

Ofgem has changed the way they charge TNUoS and BSUoS: How will you be affected?

Following on from the Distribution Use of System (DUoS) changes that came into place in 2022, Ofgem has changed the way the Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) and the Balancing Service Use of System (BSUoS) are charged. Why are these changes coming into place? To help you understand what these changes could mean for

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Your Electricity Distribution (DUoS) charges are changing in April: what will it cost you?

Last year Ofgem announced changes to the way they charge consumers for the cost of distributing electricity around the national grid, known as the Distribution Use of System (DUoS) charges. With these changing in April this year, our Principal Consultant, Greg Armstrong, explains why affected organisations should act now to mitigate the inevitable impact on

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Planning for 2021 and the pathway to green recovery

Covid-19 has disrupted organisations for the best part of 2020. Whilst it is clear that the pandemic is not behind us, and 2021 has not started quite as we hoped, organisations can still utilise their energy data and tools to support their green ambitions and ongoing recovery. Using insights gained from the last year can

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We believe that people power can change the world. We are here to help you have a positive impact on the planet. Together we can make a difference.

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Leading by example, we became carbon neutral in 2023 and are committed to achieving net zero business emissions by 2030.

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As an Employee Ownership Trust we embrace the three pillars of good communication, governance and leadership, putting our people first.

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Staying at the forefront of industry, we embrace and drive change, delivering solutions at pace and scale to meet the modern challenges of energy and sustainability.

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