Quality Policy

In providing carbon and energy management solutions for public and private sector organisations, TEAM (Energy Auditing Agency Ltd.) is committed to continually improving the quality of our products and services. We recognise the benefits of operating our processes in compliance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015.

TEAM are committed to provide:

Continuous improvement & review

We carry out regular quality management reviews and auditing programmes designed to measure our progress. This is in relation to policy statements, objectives or targets that have been set. Our quality management system will enable us to manage the quality of our products and services on an on-going basis, complementing our commitment to continual improvement.

Customer care

We strive to always deliver the best customer care within our industry. This is achieved by providing a partnership approach, to continually inspire customers to work with us as their preferred supplier. This also ensures they can confidently recommend us to others.

Employee awareness

We provide appropriate training, instruction, and supervision to all our employees. This ensures they are able to perform their duties in a way that supports our quality policy and objectives.

Compliance obligations

We ensure compliance to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 is fully adhered to and subject to internal and external audits at regular intervals. We strive to meet, and where possible, exceed all relevant compliance obligations to which we may subscribe, relating to our scope.


This policy will be made available to interested parties and communicated to all employees at TEAM (Energy Auditing Agency Ltd.).

Power to make change

We believe that people power can change the world. We are here to help you have a positive impact on the planet. Together we can make a difference.

Becoming Net Zero

Leading by example, we became carbon neutral in 2023 and are committed to achieving net zero business emissions by 2030.

Read our strategy

Employee Ownership

As an Employee Ownership Trust we embrace the three pillars of good communication, governance and leadership, putting our people first.

Learn more about us

We will be by your side

Staying at the forefront of industry, we embrace and drive change, delivering solutions at pace and scale to meet the modern challenges of energy and sustainability.

Meet our people