ISO50001 Energy Management System

ISO 50001 Energy Management System

Achieve the global standard for reducing your environmental impact

An ISO 50001 Energy Management framework can help organisations become leaders in energy management, reduce their energy consumption and costs, and meet legislative requirements. By implementing policies and processes in this framework and ensuring your organisation complies with the standard, you should see an improvement in your energy consumption as your organisation demonstrates its green credentials and commitment to carbon reduction.

Through becoming certified to ISO 50001, organisations can commit to addressing the impact they have on the environment through their energy use and demonstrate their plans to achieve their energy and carbon reduction goals.

What is ISO 50001 Energy Management System?

ISO 50001 is a global standard  for organisations that want to make a difference and reduce their environmental impact by helping them to conserve their energy use and make cost savings through energy efficiency management. 

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By establishing an Energy Management Framework organisations can measure and monitor their energy, identify savings and better manage energy risk. No matter the size or sector of your organisation, this certification can benefit you as you work towards reducing your energy and carbon consumption.

How TEAM can help

Our team of energy experts can support you in complying to the ISO 50001 management standard by establishing the framework within your organisation and ensuring you meet the requirements for certification.

Our service provides a gap analysis to identify what your organisation needs to do comply with the framework. Once we have an understanding of where your organisation currently is in regard to setting up an energy management system, we will then advise and support on improvements that can be made to ensure compliance.

Our team of energy management experts will then assist you with writing the policies and procedures that will ensure your organisation can be certified and will help you establish an internal auditing programme. This will mean that you can conduct audits within your business to ensure you meet the framework requirements and identify opportunities for improvements.

Certification to ISO 50001 is awarded by an independent accreditation body and lasts for three years with a mandatory external audit usually taking place at least once every year.

ISO 50001 as a route to ESOS compliance: ESOS Phase 3 changes

To become certificated to ISO 50001 you will need to gather accurate data on energy use within your organisation; this also involves developing a policy to improve energy efficiency and setting targets in line with that policy.

Previously this has meant that organisations that have been required to comply with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) have already held the data needed to comply and have not needed to carry out an ESOS assessment.

However, due to changes made in ESOS Phase 3, organisations that need to comply with ESOS and are certified to ISO 50001, are still required to submit detailed reporting that includes data on energy savings achieved by the business since the previous compliance period. 

Find out if your organisation needs to comply with ESOS.

What are the key opportunities of ISO 50001?

  • Make operational cost savings through awareness of energy use and efficiency
  • Promote energy best practices across your organisation
  • Improve energy performance
  • Implement environmentally friendly practices across your organisation
  • According to ISO, organisations that adopt the ISO 50001 standard could benefit from initial energy improvements of 10% or more
  • Meet legislative requirements where necessary
  • Differentiate your organisation from competitors by demonstrating best practice in energy efficiency
  • Contribute to reducing environmental pollution, supporting the UK Government’s Net Zero 2050 target
  • Support or comply with your organisation’s tender bid requirements
  • Ensure your reporting is in line with acceptable industry practices and regulatory requirements.

Request a FREE quote

Call 01908 690018 to find out how we can help support you in complying to the ISO 50001 management standard


Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

Targeted Charging Review (TCR)

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