Bulk EPCs

Bulk EPCs

We provide bulk Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) for landlords selling or letting multiple commercial properties, including organisations with 100+ buildings.

We have the capacity to deliver bulk non-domestic EPCs

Our in-house energy consultants have extensive experience working with organisations and landlords managing multiple buildings. They are adept at delivering a comprehensive service efficiently and effectively, even on a large scale.

Benefits of bulk EPCs

Delivering bulk Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) to organisations and landlords with a large portfolio of buildings offers certain advantages:

  • Streamlined Process: By handling multiple EPCs in bulk, organisations can streamline the certification process. This efficiency ensures timely compliance.

  • Environmental Responsibility: Understand the theoretical carbon emissions of your buildings to inform your sustainability and net-zero plans

  • Comprehensive Insights: Better understand the energy efficiency of your buildings based on the construction (the building fabric and the heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting systems) and areas for development

  • Risk Mitigation: Ensuring EPC compliance for all properties minimizes legal and regulatory risks. The owner or landlord of a property for sale or let can be fined between £500 and £5,000 for failing to make an EPC available to any prospective buyer or tenant.

In summary, delivering bulk EPCs to large organisations enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and aligns with environmental goals, making it a strategic choice for managing energy performance across large property holdings.

How TEAM can help deliver your Bulk EPC 

Our consultants are accredited Energy Assessors that can deliver level 3, 4 and 5 nationwide non-domestic EPCs that are compliant with the requirements of the EPBR.

Our comprehensive EPC services include:

  • A site survey and data gathering
  • 3D modelling and data input using Government approved software
  • A calculation of the building Energy Performance Asset Rating
  • A non-domestic EPC recommendation report
  • Lodgement of the EPC and recommendation report to the official Government register
  • Additionally, we can support you to become compliant with the MEES legislation

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Meet our EPC experts

Our in-house, professional, energy consultants are the independent experts behind our energy certificate service. Each consultant has the breadth of skills, across departmental expertise and sector experience to support you in delivering bulk EPCs.

Speak to a EPC consultant today​

Speak to an energy consultant on 01908 041509 and get your bulk EPC quote today


Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES)

Energy Consultants

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