Ofgem has announced on 17th May 2018 its reforms to the Non-Domestic RHI regulations.
Ofgem published guidance in support of these regulation changes on the 22nd May for Non-Domestic RHI on the Ofgem website.
Eligible Heat Use changes
From 22 May, applications can no longer include heating a swimming pool other than one which is used for commercial or municipal purposes, drying digestate or wood fuel and drying, cleaning or processing certain waste.
There will be revised questions in the application process for heat uses – in the short term they will be asked via an editable PDF document.
All applicants to the RHI (for all technologies) should continue to submit applications as normal and provide a filled-in copy of the Eligible Heat Use additional information form.
Shared Ground Loops (SGL)
On or after the date these new regulations come into effect applications submitted for a system where a ground loop is connected to two or more heat pumps will be classified as a shared ground loop (SGL) system. Ofgem has also released an Easy Guide to shared ground loops with information about eligibility criteria.
Preliminary applications
Preliminary applications are now available for Ground Source Heat Pumps with a capacity of 100kWth or greater and Air Source Heat Pumps with a capacity of 45kWth or greater. Ofgem are asking for those interested to contact them via email on or after the 22 May 2018, to RHI.enquiry@ofgem.gov.uk with the e-mail title ‘GSHP/ASHP preliminary application – [NAME]).
Further information about the RHI changes are available here.
How can TEAM help?
TEAM provides help and guidance with your RHI eligibility and application submissions. TEAM can also provide the Independent Reports on Metering Arrangements (IRMAs), Metering Consultancy, Heat Loss Assessment (HLA) calculations, full application service, quarterly periodic submission required for self-reporting, support with Tariff Guarantee Applications and Audit support.
For help and guidance with your RHI eligibility and application submissions, contact TEAM.