Teesside University makes major savings thanks to TEAM
Over the last 6-years Sigma Software has helped Teesside University identify hundreds of thousands of pounds in energy savings.
The university uses Sigma monitoring and targeting Software to help manage their billing data, AMR data and to create analysis reports.
They upload their meter reads through AMR data and billing data so they can monitor and report on their usage. The software has been essential for detecting billing errors and discrepancies.
The University has 283 AMR meters on all buildings over 1,000 m₂ covering electricity, gas, water, heat, server rooms, plant rooms and chillers, outside air temperature and domestic hot water services.
Stephen Middleton, Access Control and Energy Management Administrator for Teesside University, said:
“TEAM’s Sigma Software has helped us to identify a major water leak and savings of some £20,000 per year. We put an AMR on our main water meter and discovered that we were using an extortionate amount of water overnight. An extensive investigation, which involved me smashing up a manhole cover on a Friday afternoon and weeks of searching, revealed a major leak below ground beside the Student Centre. We believe it must have been leaking for more than 15-years.”